"Where there is no vision, the people perish." — Proverbs 29:18
A professional development opportunity for organizations.
You make decisions every hour for your organization. Make sure to make “OnPOINT” decisions so you don't waste time, money, and energy rethinking what's been done.
Enroll today in The "OnPOINT" LEADERSHIP MasterClass
An online course to help you set up a strategic plan that works.
You could have a strategic plan right away.
Course Goals & Objectives
Course Goals: I. Formulate a strategic plan. II. Develop an implementation strategy for executing the strategic plan. III. Assess the entire process to enhance organizational strategy.
Course Objectives: Upon completion of the course, you will be able to:
Articulate the steps involved in crafting a strategic plan.
Characterize the key elements of an organization.
Articulate the organization's purpose, mission, vision, goals, and objectives.
Define action steps for each goal.
Integrate a timeline for accomplishing each goal.
Choose appropriate personnel to execute goals within the specified timeline.
Determine effective marketing methods for disseminating your strategic plan.
Execute a 90-day practicum for implementing the strategic plan.
Compile systems for periodically reviewing and updating the strategic plan.
Evaluate the organizational redesign process.
What's included?
Course Syllabus
Course Materials
Orientation Video
Templates and examples to assist with building your strategic plan
Leadership Kit to guide your completion of the course
Weekly "Office Hours" Conference Call with me to answer your questions
Follow the steps below to complete your enrollment.
Step 1. Enroll by completing the application below.
Step 2. Submit the form.
Step 3. For a price list, contact strategiesbystephanie@outlook.com Step 4. Submit payment to complete your enrollment, or you will not be signed up for the training.
Enrollment Application
Complete all fields below.
All leaders must lead with a plan of written strategies, or they aren't leading.